Sterowniki zegara PLL / pętli synchronizacji fazy

Nazwa produktu Producent Kod producenta Typ
Analog Devices, AD9523BCPZ Analog Devices AD9523BCPZ
Analog Devices, AD9523BCPZ Analog Devices AD9523BCPZ
Analog Devices, AD9524BCPZ Analog Devices AD9524BCPZ
Analog Devices, AD9524BCPZ Analog Devices AD9524BCPZ
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505D
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505D
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505D
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505PW
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505PW
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505PWR
PLL Clock Driver Single 24MHz to 200MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF2505PWR
Zero Delay PLL Clock Driver Single 8MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF25081D
Zero Delay PLL Clock Driver Single 8MHz Texas Instruments CDCVF25081D
1:8 3.3V PLL Clock Driver, CDCVF25081PW Texas Instruments CDCVF25081PW
DAC Delta-Sigma 20-Bit 16-Pin Texas Instruments DAC1220E
DAC Delta-Sigma 20-Bit 16-Pin Texas Instruments DAC1220E
4.5GHz, 1:6 LVPECL Buffer, 2:1 Mux MLF32 Micrel SY58035UMG
4.5GHz, 1:6 LVPECL Buffer, 2:1 Mux MLF32 Micrel SY58035UMG
3.2Gbps Diff. 4:1 LVDS Mux 1:2 MLF32 Micrel SY89547LMG
3.2Gbps Diff. 4:1 LVDS Mux 1:2 MLF32 Micrel SY89547LMG

Euro-Impex Marketing Sp. z o.o.

ul.Surzyckiego 16a/3, 30-721 Kraków
NIP : 676-007-78-79

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tel: +48 12 421 95 51, +48 12 417 16 50,
fax: +48 12 412 57 06

Sekretariat : +48 12 421 95 51 wewn. 100
Księgowość : +48 12 421 95 51 wewn. 103

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